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We need different leaders at different times. Here are some reasons why Joe is uniquely qualified to serve Southside Virginia at this time.


He Knows Southside Virginia


Joe has worked in or for almost every locality in Southside, starting with a small family owned survey & engineering firm (Ralph P. Hines & Associates and then Maxey-Hines & Associates) and then as a Partner with Timmons Group, a regional consulting engineering firm.   He understands the unique assets of the District and unique potential is has from an Economic Development perspective.


A practical Business Perspective


Armed with an MBA and the experience of growing up in a small family owned business and then becoming a Partner and Director of a Consulting Engineering Firm, Joe understands the practical aspects of business and the direct effect that policy and overregulation can have on the bottom line.


He’s a Hard Worker

Having grown up on the family farm in Prince Edward County (Rice, VA), Joe helped raise tobacco, hay, corn, soybeans and cattle.  He spent summers working for his dad’s Survey and Engineering firm and graduated from NC State with an engineering degree.  In addition, he earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business while working full-time.

He's A TRUE Conservative 

Growing up in a family owned business, where my father had to borrow money against the house to make payroll at times, I don’t believe in spending money you don’t have.  I believe the only time you should borrow money is to make the appropriate investments in education and infrastructure to ensure the long-term success of the district and the Commonwealth. 


A Proven Problem Solver

As a Professional Engineer with a business background, Joe's spent his entire career solving problems and making projects work financially and within the confines of the regulatory environment.  He will take the time needed to understand the facets of each piece of legislation and how it might impact the District – and will look for solutions to the problems in the District.


He’s a Leader in Economic Development

Joe has dedicated his consulting career to Economic Development helping his clients become successful.  As a specialist in site, infrastructure and economic development, he routinely presents to local, regional and national audiences and has served on the Board of the Virginia Economic Developers Association.  During his tenure at Timmons Group, the Economic Development practice has helped their clients land over $3 billion in investment with over 8,500 jobs announced since 2007. 









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